How long does it last?

Concrete curbing has been around for 30 years. Since then, many clients have enjoyed curbs that last around 20 years, with only the occasional minor repairs necessary.

Is there any aftercare or maintenance required?

It’s important to talk about the specifics with your contractor. There may be specific needs to your climate/location. Typically, it’s advised that you re-seal the concrete every two years. This helps to keep the concrete and the color in tact.

Is it purchased at once or in sections?

Concrete curbing is poured at once, as one item. The concrete is mixed on site and laid out on the ground as one continuous piece. This feature is part of why it fits so easily to any curve or turn.


Can the curbing be damaged?

Concrete curbing is very durable, but can be damaged by heavy vehicles. While lawn mowers shouldn’t be a problem, it isn’t advised that large trucks and tractors are allowed to drive over the surface. For the first 24-48 hours after installation, a newly created concrete curbing is vulnerable. It should not be walked on or handled by people, animals, or gardening/lawn equipment. During this time, water can also damage the concrete while it is curing. It’s advised that sprinklers be turned off for 48 hours and the concrete be covered in the event of rain. Plant life should be watered before installation so that excess moisture is not drained from the curing concrete.

Can I weed/mow around curbing?

After the vulnerability period, you can mow/weed against and over the curb as needed.

Are warranties offered?

You will need to check with your contractor about warranties. Many companies do offer one, six months is a common warranty time frame.

Will it increase property value?

Concrete curbing does increase a property’s value! It is a simple and low-maintenance feature that you can bring to your property that will encourage potential buyers to hang around and enjoy the beautiful exterior. Research shows that properties with beautiful exteriors sell successfully for more money than properties without.